This is a shout out to a website we think everyone should have a look at
Age Space describes itself as one-stop online resource and guide for anyone with concerns about, or caring for an ageing parent or relative, neighbour or friend. Whether you’re facing an immediate crisis, or are just beginning to worry, Age Space is bursting with information, resources and guides that can help.
It starts with a section on Care and takes you through the options, the questions to ask, where to find help
The section on Finance covers how to get government help for care, the various allowances you may be eligible for and how to claim. It also covers separately how to self-fund through, for example, equity release schemes.
There’s a Legal section that explains all about wills- how to write them, when, advice about what to include. It also delves into the thorny area of Power of Attorney, and even explains probate and inheritance tax.
Health is about how to keep healthy, in both body and mind. Or how to help keep the person you may be baring for healthy.
The detailed section on Dementia is sympathetic, comprehensive, un-patronising and full of helpful tips. Given that 1 in 14 people over 65 in the UK have dementia, and 1 in 6 of those over 80 it’s sensible to be prepared.
The Live Better section talks about changes to make in your home to keep yourself safe, how to plan and enjoy holidays with a carer, driving- the rules about when to stop, and most importantly: tech help.
And after all that, Age Space recommends various products and services.
The creator and founder, Annabel James, was inspired by the difficulties of finding any of this information when she needed it for her mother. I wish it had existed when I needed it for mine. You are the lucky ones! Make good use of it, sign up to the newsletter and lots of very helpful tips and information will come your way. has been featured widely in the media